SEGA - One Health: Epidemiological surveillance and management of One Health alerts in the Indian Ocean

Based in the Southwest Indian Ocean, SEGA - One Health brings together health organisations from Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros and Reunion with the aim of monitoring emerging diseases in these islands, understanding them and avoiding their spread by offering country-specific control measures.

Project start date:


Project end date:



  • Organising a One Health strategy at the regional and national scales for the different member states, covering both surveillance and response.
  • Creating a sustainable future for the Indian Ocean Commission’s health surveillance unit.


Indian Ocean (Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius, Seychelles and Reunion)


In order to limit the introduction of animal and/or human diseases that can have various repercussions on the islands, SEGA - One Health’s tasks are:

  • Developing active health surveillance
  • Strengthening the capacity for action in order to detect epidemics as soon as possible
  • Reducing the impact of epidemics on these countries’ populations and economies


Veterinary services and health directorates of participating countries


Agence Française pour le Développement (French Development Agency)