Defended PhDs



Subject : Trypanosomal risk management and innovation among livestock farmers in West Africa.
PhD defense : 17/12/2015
Home University : SIBAGHE / Université de Montpellier
PhD supervisor : CHIA Eduardo, BOUYER Jérémy


Subject : Modelling the temporal dynamics and spatial distribution of Culicoides (Diptera: Cerotopogonidae) in Senegal.
PhD defense : 17/12/2015
Home University : Université Gaston Berger, St Louis, Sénégal
PhD supervisor : DIOP Alou, GUIS Hélène, BOUYER Jérémy


Subject : Cattle herding and coexistence between protected areas and their peripheries: a participatory approach.
PhD defense : 17/12/2015 
Home University : Université Montpellier II
PhD supervisor : Mc KEY Doyle, de GARINE-WICHATITSKY Michel

BERNARD Jennifer

Subject :  Vectorial skills of European, Senegalese and Malagasy ornithodorous ticks for African swine fever virus: potential effects of environmental stresses on transmission.
PhD defense : 15/12/2015
Home University : CBS2 / Université de Montpellier
PhD supervisor : ALBINA Emmanuel, VIAL Laurence

JACQUET Stéphanie

Subject : Biological invasion and emerging diseases in animal health: understanding the expansion and colonization processes in the Mediterranean basin of Culicoides imicola (Diptera:Ceratopogonidae), midge vector of Orbovirus.
PhD defense : 15/12/2015
Home University : SIBAGHE / Université de Montpellier
PhD supervisor : BOUYER Jérémy, CHEVILLON C


Subject : Competitiveness, xerophilia and fertility of three strains of tsetse in the use of the sterile insect technique for the eradication of tsetse flies in Africa.
PhD defense : 15/12/2015
Home University : SIBAGHE / Université de Montpellier
PhD supervisor : BOUYER Jérémy, SIDIBE Issa


Subject : To drink or not to drink? The influence of resource availability on elephant foraging and habitat selection in a semi-arid savanna.
PhD defense : 14/12/2015
Home University : Université Montpellier II
PhD supervisor : CHAMAILLE-JAMMES Simon (CNRS)

CALBA Clémentine 

Subject : Study of the contribution of participatory epidemiology for the evaluation of animal health surveillance systems.
PhD defense :  11/12/2015
Home University : Faculty of Veterinary Medecine of Brussels 
PhD supervisor : Prof. SAEGERMAN Claude (Faculty of Veterinary Medecine of Brussels), GOUTARD Flavie


Subject : Territorial issues of animal health surveillance: the studied case of H5N1 HPAI in domestic poultry in Viet Nam and Thailand.
PhD defense : 15/10/2015 
Home Universiy : Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
PhD supervisor : SALEM Gérard (Universités Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense), PEYRE Marie-Isabelle


Subject : Control of risk factors for infection and contamination of Salmonella and Campylobacter in the pig sector in Réunion and impact on public health.
PhD defense : 17/09/2015
Home University : Université de la Réunion
PhD supervisor : CARDINALE Eric


Subject : Surveillance and control of the Aedes albopictus tiger mosquito in Europe.
PhD defense : 30/06/2015
Home University : SIBAGHE / Université de Montpellier
PhD supervisor : BALDET Thierry

FALL Moussa

Subject : Ecology and integrated control of Culicoides vectors of African horse sickness and bluetongue in Senegal.
PhD defense : 22/05/2015
Home University : Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Sénégal)
PhD supervisor : FAYE Ousamne, BALDET Thierry


Subject : Diffusion of a virus and evolution of its genome in domestic ruminant populations. Application to molecular epidemiology and surveillance of peste des petits ruminants.
PhD defense : 13/02/2015
Home University : CBS2/ Université de Montpellier
PhD supervisor : ALBINA Emmanuel, ALAMBEDJI


Doctorant MOUMENE Amal

Subject : Characterization of molecular determinants of the pathogenicity of Ehrlichia ruminantium: role of the type IV secretion system and proteins of the outer membrane.
PhD defense : 16/01/2015Home University : Université des Antilles

PhD supervisor : LEFRANCOIS Thierry, GROS Olivier (Université des Antilles)