Defended PhDs



Doctorant ABDEL AZIZ Arada

Subject : Molecular epidemiology of foot and mouth disease in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Chad.
PhD defense : 17/12/2018
Home University : ABIES Agro Paris Tech
PhD supervisor : BAKKALI-KASSIM Labib,  LANCELOT Renaud

DIALLO Alpha Oumar

Doctorant DIALLO Alpha

Subject : Modelling and optimization of Japanese encephalitis control in Cambodia.
PhD defense : 27/11/2018
Home University : GAIA, Université de Montpellier
PhD supervisor : CHEVALIER Véronique, FONTENILLE Didier


Doctorant TOUNKARA Kadidia

Subject : Epidemiology of a transboundary disease of small ruminants (the Plague of Small Ruminants) with a strong impact on pastoralism in Mali.
PhD defense : 08/11/2018
Home University : CBS2, Université de Montpellier
PhD supervisor : LEFRANCOIS Thierry, TRAORE Diakaridia

NOROY Christophe

Doctorant NOROY Christophe

Subject : Analysis of the genomic plasticity of Anaplasmataceae family bacteria in relation to effectors of the type IV secretion system.
PhD defense : 14/05/2018
Home University : Université des Antilles
PhD supervisor : GROS Olivier (Université des Antilles), MEYER Damien